Transcribe All Types of Audio to Text [Ultimate Guide]

Read this guide and you will know how to transcribe all types of audio to text on your device to convert speech to text with ease.


Transcribe All Types of Audio to Text [Ultimate Guide]
Myra Xian Avatar

Updated on

In the digital age, audio content abounds, from business meetings to podcasts, interviews, and live events. Converting these diverse audio sources into text not only enhances accessibility but also facilitates easier analysis, searchability, and archiving. Let’s explore how to transcribe all types of audio to text effectively, detailing the steps and highlighting the advantages of each method.

The Convenience of Transcribing Audio to Text

Transcribing audio into text transforms your recordings into a versatile format that can be easily searched, shared, and analyzed. It improves accessibility for hearing-impaired individuals, aids in note-taking, and boosts SEO efforts for online content. With the right tools, you can unlock the full potential of your audio files, making them more useful and impactful.

Transcribe Meeting Audio to Text

Functionality Overview:

Real-Time Transcription: Otter captures live meetings, providing instant text conversion during calls.

Speaker Identification: It automatically distinguishes between speakers, making the conversation flow clear in the transcript.

Rich Note-Taking: Users can add images, comments, and highlights to the transcript for context and emphasis.

Integration: Seamless integration with Zoom, Google Meet, and other platforms allows for automatic recording and transcription.


Account Setup: Create a free or paid Otter account, depending on your needs.

Meeting Connection: Connect Otter to your conferencing platform or manually start a recording within Otter.

Live Transcription: During the meeting, Otter transcribes in real-time, displaying the text on-screen.

Post-Meeting Review: Afterward, review the transcript, edit any errors, and export or share the final document.

Transcribe Video’s Audio to Text


Functionality Overview:

Professional Human Transcription: Rev uses a network of skilled transcribers for high accuracy.

Closed Captioning: Offers captioning services for videos, improving accessibility.

Quick Turnaround: Provides fast transcription services, typically within 24 hours.

User Dashboard: Manage and download transcripts from a centralized platform.


Upload Video: Log into Rev’s website and upload your video file.

Select Service: Choose the type of service (transcription, captioning) and turnaround time.

Review & Edit: Once completed, Rev notifies you to review the transcript online.

Download & Implement: Download the transcript and, if ordered, captions to add to your video.

Transcribe Podcast Audio to Text


Functionality Overview:

Multifunctional Platform: Combines transcription, editing, and publishing capabilities in one tool.

Overdub & Voiceover: Allows users to edit audio by replacing words directly in the transcript.

Synced Edits: Edits made in the text are reflected in the audio, and vice versa.

Publishing Tools: Directly publish your podcast to major platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


Import Audio: Drag and drop your podcast episode into Descript.

Automatic Transcription: Descript generates a transcript in minutes.

Edit & Refine: Edit the text, and watch as your edits affect the audio in real-time.

Publish: Polish your episode using Descript’s built-in tools, then publish directly to your podcast host.

Transcribe Audio Recording to Text


Functionality Overview:

AI-Powered Transcription: Combines machine learning with human-like understanding for accurate results.

Searchable Transcripts: Quickly find specific parts of the audio through keyword searches in the transcript.

Easy Editing: Edit the transcript directly in the browser, with changes synchronized with the audio.

Multilingual Support: Supports multiple languages for international projects.


Sign Up & Upload: Create a Trint account and upload your audio file.

Initiate Transcription: Click to start the transcription process.

Review & Edit: Once complete, review the transcript for accuracy and make edits where needed.

Export Options: Export the transcript in various formats, such as DOCX, PDF, or SRT.

Transcribe Interview Audio to Text

Happy Scribe

Functionality Overview:

Hybrid Transcription: Merges AI transcription with human review for superior accuracy.

Timestamps: Includes timestamps for easy navigation within the audio.

Team Collaboration: Share transcripts with team members for collaborative editing.

Bilingual Transcription: Offers transcription in multiple languages.


Create & Upload: Sign up for Happy Scribe and upload your interview audio.

Choose Settings: Select your language preference and request human review if desired.

Review & Annotate: Once the transcript is ready, review it online, adding annotations or notes.

Export & Share: Export the transcript in your preferred format and share it with your team or interviewee.

Transcribe Live Audio to Text


Functionality Overview:

Live Event Coverage: Specializes in real-time transcription for webinars, conferences, and live streams.

Cost-Effective: Offers competitive pricing for live transcription services.

Fast Delivery: Delivers transcripts quickly after the event ends.

Simple Setup: Integrates with popular streaming platforms for hassle-free live transcription.


Register & Connect: Sign up for Temi and link it to your streaming service.

Schedule Event: Input your live event details and start time.

Live Transcription: As the event goes live, Temi transcribes in real-time.

Instant Access: Upon completion, access your transcript immediately for review or sharing.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, transcribing audio to text is a powerful tool that enhances the utility of your audio content. Whether you’re working with meeting recordings, videos, podcasts, or live events, the right software can streamline your workflow and make your content more accessible and searchable. By choosing the appropriate tool for each scenario, you can unlock the full potential of your audio recordings.