Free Online AI Song Cover Generator
Make AI covers using your favorite voice online for free
Choose a voice
Add the song you want to cover
Drag and drop audio or video
Supported formats: .mp3, .wav, .flac, .mp4, .mkv, .mov, .m4a (up to 20min)
Create AI Song Cover Within Minutes
Follow the easy steps below to learn how to make an AI cover song. If you are interested, you can visit the collection page to check out all the cover songs made by our users.
Pick a Voice
Choose from a variety of pre-existing voices, including cartoon characters, famous singers, and more.
Select Your Song
Want to give a classic a fresh twist? Upload the song directly or simply paste its URL. We make it easy for you!
AI Takes Over
After you’ve made your selections, our AI gets to work, blending the chosen voice seamlessly with your picked tune.
Download and Enjoy
In minutes, your AI cover is ready to go. Hit download and enjoy your unique creation!

Make AI Cover with Any Voice
Make AI song covers using your favorite voice. From cartoon characters to iconic singers, you can choose any voice you desire.
FAQs on AI Song Cover
What is an AI Song Cover Generator?
An AI Song Cover Generator is an application that utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze the melody, rhythm, and style of an original song, and then produces a new vocal cover version.
Is AI Song Cover completely free to use?
Yes, our AI cover generator is free to use. Besides, it is a web-based service that requires no software installations.
Are there copyright issues with AI-generated song covers?
Yes, even AI-generated covers need to comply with music copyright laws. The melody, lyrics, etc., may still be under original copyright protection. Obtain necessary permissions before public sharing or commercial use.
How long does it take to generate a cover song?
The time spent depends on factors like song length, complexity, and server load, ranging from minutes to hours. Some applications may offer instant previews while the final output might take longer.